Summer Randomnicity
A pot pourri of stray thoughts on a warm and wet afternoon. The kids are flaked out on the futon with the guinea pigs (also known as the Jolie Aubergines, an homage to Ursula V's cheerful eggplants), hoovering down pretzels and Yop. I'm staring out at the rain between sentences, pondering the wisdom of agreeing to barbecue shrimp for dinner.
MonkeyBoy is conducting vocabulary experiments again today. I asked him if he wanted a drink this morning and was told "That's a resounding no, Mom." He also told the nice man at Safeway, at some length, about his new intragalactic laser.
We had a lovely long weekend at the cabin. Much food was consumed; a walk to a very high place was executed;

there was beachness;

and we caught some frogs. Teeny, tiny frogs;

Actual size was less than an inch long. Oh, and both baby eagles are flying now.
That about sums up the weekend, really.
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