Weekend Highlights
Most Ironic Moment
My Green-Party-Activist, "Big Business is an Evil Oppressor" brother teaching the kids to play Monopoly.
Most Inappropriate Comment in a Family Setting
By my 94-year-old grandfather's 84-year-old girlfriend: "Are you coming to bed, Johnnie? Do you want to play hide the weenie?"
Couple Least Likely to Play Hide the Weenie
Dean and I, who, although we shared a room, slept in the twin beds of my youth, with the children sleeping on the floor between us. We couldn't even talk dirty.
Most Inane Comment
Also by my 94-year-old grandfather's 84-year-old girlfriend, while watching an ad for Vileda mops with the PowerZone™: "Look at that! That's new!"
Most Often Heard Remark
re The MonkeyChild: "He's so cute!"
Best Group Photograph

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