In the Depths of Spring
The season of new beginnings is fully upon us here on the West Coast. The garden is bursting out all over, the cherry trees have brought out the big guns - the double/triple/octuple blossoms ...

the rhododendrons are in full swing ...

the daffodils are almost finished and the tulips and pansies are a riot of colour ...

Dean even had to haul out the lawnmower yesterday and beat our tatty lawn back into submission. I saw my first goslings of the year on my way home from work yesterday. And my dad reports that his eagles have hatched ≥ 1 eaglet (lots of noise from the nest, but too soon to tell if it's one or a pair).
It's supposed to hit 23° tomorrow (that's 73F), the kids have been running around in shorts and sandals, and we might essay a picnic this weekend. Unfortunately, Dean took my camera with him to San Francisco this weekend, so there will be no boastful, envy-inspiring photos. Sorry.
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